peter Wayand und Rajko Radišić (Photo: Jasna Lovrinčević)
Peter Wayand (baritone) and Rajko Radišić (pianist) performed at the anniversary celebration of the 135th anniversary of the male choir “Cäcilia” Gladbach.
Rajko Radišić is the author of short Masses arranged with known melodies which are published under the title “Te Deum” and “Zdravo Tilo Isusovo”. He has held a number of concerts with Peter Wayand, versatile artist, poet, playwright, and singer. Peter Wayand was a former student of Rajko Radišić in the Kreismusikschule Montabaur and in Mons-Tabor High School in Montabaur, Germany. He attended piano and accordion classes by Prof. Rajko Radišić, and later he was his student in Mons-Tabor High School in Montabaur, Germany, where Radišić was a music professor. From that time it dates the friendship and cooperation between exceptionally gifted Peter Wayand and Rajko Radisic, an engaged Croatian intellectual. Peter Wayand, meanwhile graduated German studies, Catholic theology and history. Gifted in music, he also has studied solo singing.

Peter Wayand and Rajko Radišić (Photo: Jasna Lovrinčević)
He is an honorary member of the Croatian Cultural Association Koblenz whose longtime president was Rajko Radišić.
From 2000 to 2009, Peter Wayand and Rajko Radišić prepared Musical theatre and performance productions: Evening of J.S. Bach, Evening of G. Verdi, Evening of F. Schiller, Evening of W. A.Mozart, Evening of R. Schumann and H. Heine, Evening of J. W. Goethe and Evening of G. F.Händel.
Peter Wayand is known as the author of several books: “Der Fall Conan Doyle”, “Ich könnte weinen über Goethe”, “Sünde: Ein Schauspiel”, “Codename Blaue Blume: Eine Kriminalgroteske und 12 Bildern” and “Rosensieg: Der Tod Old Shatterhands. Eine scenic Collage “.
At the gala concert in Neuwied-Gladbach, in the church of the Assumption of Mary (Maria Himmelfahrt) which featured the male and female choir “Cäcilia” Gladbach, Radišić and Wayand performed a popular program: “Das ist der Tag des Herrn” by Conradin Kreutzer, “Ave Maria” by Antonín Dvorák, “Ombra mai fu” by Peter Strauch, “Caro mio ben “by Tommaso Giordani, “Die Uhr” by Carl Loewe and “Still wie die Nacht” by Carl Bohm.